Learn about our memberships below

  • Private one-on-one training puts you in the driver seat to reach your goals. Each session is specifically tailored to your needs and capabilities. Take the steps to building a stronger, healthier you with our private training sessions.

  • Small group provides the community feel with others to workout with you during the session. The best part of the small group sessions is they are capped and has the perfect coach to athlete ratio. Along with this each session is scaled to the athletes abilities and skill level all while pushing toward your own goals. Join our small group strength sessions and become a member to more than just a gym, Join the community.

  • Neuromuscular therapy addresses specific injuries the muscles may sustain from lifting or repetitive use. It’s techniques are highly-specialized and are designed to correct movement dysfunction and pain by treating trigger points, muscle adhesions, and connective tissue patterns. NMT can be appropriate to treat low back pain, carpal tunnel and sciatica-like symptoms, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, headaches, and much more.